
On the Street. Black Beret all Year Long, Barcelona.

Street Style Barcelona. Style Classics.

It is the last day of summer season. Tomorrow is officially first day of autumn in Finland. It is time to present the last Barcelona street style memory of summer sketchbook.

This older gentleman is kind of previous edition of the guy illustrated below. Same building blocks of style, white shirt and sort of black trousers. Only the time has worn out the deep darkness and turned white shirt to greyish. Despite the hot sun in Spain, the sleeves stay long, not rolled and woolen beret stays in the head. I believe the beret has been an essential accessory through his lifetime. Maybe already as schoolboy it has belonged to the school uniform.

This brings to mind an old phrase. "Why change anything what has once been good." In style issues this is quite true. In other words we talk about style classics. In some other issues some change might still be a good idea. Like, we didn’t have mobile phones in the 70s, why should we have it now? Well… Maybe it is good to think again when some issue is thrown in front of you. At least just a second. 

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