
My Style. Bow On Like Charley Chaplin Had in The Fireman 1916.

Charley Chaplin The Fireman 1916

We have had a marvelous opportunity to see all the very first Charlie Chaplin films in Finland's National Audiovisual Archive. Now the series is over so far. Therefor it's time to post about an style idea I'm going to include to my style.

The idea came from Chaplin's film The Fireman, 1916. Firemen's uniforms were quite different than it is today. A big black bow with big manly mustache was the norm. It seems that in the beginning of 1900 having mustache was more common than being without. The bigger the better.

I don't know if modern men are ready to wear the same. But for my part I'd like to start wearing such a big bow to sweeten my looks.


Valentina Novo said...

Lovely illustration, as usual!

Gigi, street style said...

I hope that the big moustache won't come back but I love big bows :)

Flash For Zonzon said...

Hi girls. Thanks for comments. Well, I'd like to try narrow Gary Grant-style mustache in some event. With a big bow of course. Waiting for the next masquerade party.

Unknown said...

This is so great!
XOXO, Ladyfairy