
For Fun. Flash For Zonzon in Instagram.

Flash For Zonzon in Instagram @sanna_pyykko

Hooray. Flash For Zonzon has at long last started in Instagram. You can find your way to these illustrations and more using nickname @sanna_pyykko. I decided to use my own name because that’s going to be display window for all creative stuff what is going on in my life. But Flash For Zonzon is well represented in there, for sure. Welcome to follow.

I’m a late bloomer with Instagram. It really surprised me how easy it was to follow fashion weeks though it. Little film clips give just enough information to be aware about the latest fashion news.

It seems that blogging has partly moved to Instagram. Few years ago on sites like the Sartorialist there was huge amounts of comments after each blog post. Now there is some 10 to 30 comments. In Instagram same photo has 150 comments and over 5000 likes. Speed seems to be the word of the day. Speed liking.

Another thing is that in Instagram illustrators are presented in useful way. All famous and not so famous (me) illustrators seem to be there. It’s handy to do some comparison, like where do they sell their art, do they have own shop or are they in etsy, spoonflower, society6, paom, or what. And what could I learn of all this.

One oddity is that in Instagram there is a lot of tempting to pay to get thousands of followers and likes. I ask, but what’s the point! To get robots love and affection?

Plus, there seems to be multiple hashtags for competitions illustration daily, weekly or monthly. Like #drawadot for fashion illustration. Possibility to speed temporarily fame.

That's all for first impression. If you like to speed consume Flash For Zonzon in Instagram follow @sanna_pyykko

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