
On the beach. Tattooed Fisherman in Kangasala.

tattooed fisherman

In the last days of july came the summer warmth I had waited for. So I headed to the beach right away to catch some solar rays.

Rigth next to the beach I saw this tattooed family man angling with a sticklike fishing rod. His family with four kids were playing in the water. I knew it was a total impossibility to really catch a fish in a hot day and restless place like that.

But I believe this guy understood the romantic side of the angling. To withdraw to shadows in your own peace staring the red and white fishing rod bobber. Oh boy, I love it too. The image took me directly to a different decade. Like to the scenes of a marvelous Italian film Ossessione by Luchino Visconti, 1943.


Kathleen said...

Beautiful look into your creative process and art!

Flash For Zonzon said...

Kathleen, thank you. By the way, I'm working on a hat-related post to be published in the near future. Stay tuned.